Iago tells Roderigo ‘I follow him to serve my turn upon him’. In this module, we look at the second half of Act 1, Scene 3, in which Iago delivers his pep talk to a despairing Roderigo, while also outlining his philosophy of life (Virtue a fig, 320) in two long speeches at 320-333 and 335-362. Bianca comes and hears from Cassio who must wait for Othello. Act 1 Scene 1 The play opens as Iago is telling Roderigo that he hates Othello because Othello has promoted Cassio to be his lieutenant instead of him, even though Cassio ‘never set a squadron in the field’ and has much less experience. Emilia notices Othello’s jealousy and both of them think of men’s attributes. It is an echoing line foreboding the later events of the play, and what Othello goes on to believe. The idea is that an unruly daughter will make an unruly and promiscuous wife. Iago comes with Cassio and Desdemona talks to him about the current temper of Othello. In this module, we explore the first half of the Act 1, Scene 3, in which Othello is told about the military threat to Cyprus and must also defend himself against Brabantio’s accusation that he has abused, stolen from me, and corrupted his daughter. Reflects the sexist society of Elizabethan society, where one act within a woman's live has grander impacts filtering through their life. He asks her of the handkerchief which he gifted her and tells her how important it was to him as an inheritance. Scene 4ĭesdemona is asking the clown regarding Cassio and Othello enters and his words are marked by his secret conviction regarding Desdemona’s infidelity. He decides to kill Cassio and Iago is promoted to be the lieutenant. Iago shows him the handkerchief and it completely infuriates him to settle for blood revenge.

Othello progresses further from jealousy into extreme agony of the false assumption of betrayal. Desdemona forgets to take the handkerchief which was Othello’s first token of love for her and it is found by Emilia who remembers Iago asking her to get it. Othello starts perceiving Iago as someone who is too honest and really cares about his wellbeing. Using his brilliant rhetoric, Iago plants solid suspicion in Othello’s mind regarding the character of Desdemona who according to him is from a different lineage than that of Othello so she might’ve started repenting her marriage to him after coming closer to her own type i.e. Othello agrees to her but he has started doubting her. Wherein of antres vast and deserts idle, Rough quarries, rocks, hills whose heads touch heaven. 140 And sold to slavery, of my redemption thence. Desdemona tries convincing Othello on accepting Cassio back into his official role. Of moving accidents by flood and field, Of hair-breadth scapes i th imminent deadly breach, Of being taken by the insolent foe. Iago enters with Othello and tries to make him notice Cassio going away after meeting Desdemona. Desdemona believing in her husband’s goodness assures Cassio regarding his problem. Scene 3ĭesdemona, Cassio and Emilia are talking in the garden of the castle. Othello asks Iago to deliver some letters to the senate and meet him later where the fortification is going on. Emilia, the wife of Iago, consoles Cassio of his misfortune. Iago, acting on his own plan, pretends that he will take Othello away so that he can talk to Desdemona more freely.